In this study, a wound-healing membrane was fabricated based on carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) and polyethylene glycol (PEG) containing curcumin (Cur) and bromelain (Br). Citric acid (CA) was used as a cross-linking agent. This membrane showed an ideal degree of swelling, which was significantly dependent on the concentration and duration of cross-linked CA. The chemical characterization showed the CA cross-linker mechanism was more associated with chemical reactions with CMC carboxyl groups, and PEG hydroxyl groups played an important role in forming a hybrid polymer network.
It greatly enhanced mechanical and adhesive properties, so the stress strength was improved from 29.4 to 38.52 Mpa. The hydrophilicity of the membrane surface according to the water contact angle assay showed the membrane surface is suitable for adhesion, growth, migration, and proliferation of skin cells. The drug delivery assay demonstrated that the Br and Cur were released during 48 h, but the Br followed the burst release in comparison with Cur. Antibacterial properties showed that CMC/PEG-Cur/Br have ideal antibacterial properties for preventing the growth of bacteria. In summary, the engineered CMC/PEG containing Cur/Br films with desired cell viability properties and antibacterial activity can potentially improve and accelerate skin regeneration for chronic wound healing.